“I’m going on an adventure!”

Have some pi!One adventure is over. It’s already September and I haven’t made my final blog post here, even though I left Brussels on the first of July. It was difficult to find the words to say. Or rather write. Leaving was one of the hardest and best things at the same time. It was terrible to leave, because the kids had made a nest in my heart and I cried uncontrollably when saying goodbye to them. It was also great to leave because I knew I was starting a new stage of my life, living on my own and with the man I love. It’s going to be a new adventure!

That new stage of life is still under construction. The apartment we’re going to live in needs a LOT of work and Matthijs doesn’t know yet when exactly can he move. In the meanwhile I’m occupied with adapting to university life again. My days are filled with lectures, seminars, getting to know my coursemates and taking part in the media club and robotics club. And if there’s any free time at home that is not filled with doing my physics and maths homework, I practise controlling my computer by voice commands and typing with a different keyboard layout (out with Qwerty, in with Colemak). If all goes well, I’ll have higher education in programming in three years.

I still have to decide what to do with this blog. Should I change the blog name and just do updates on my new life in Estonia? Should I make a new blog about IT-related topics? Or is this the end of blogging in English for a while? I’ll try to figure it out at some point when I have free time again. Goodbye Brussels, welcome Tallinn!

2 thoughts on ““I’m going on an adventure!”

  1. Tere, Terje!

    I cannot tell if you are fluent in Estonian or not, but you obviously know English well, so I will make my comment in English, though I do speak Estonian also. It is a long story how I got pointed to your blog today, but I will outline it in my blog tomorrow morning. My blog is at: http://tommarley.com/ , my background is on the About page and my e-mail address is on the Contact page. I was sorry to read that you had already left Brussels–it would have been fun to meet you here, although I will be leaving on Friday for Amsterdam. Parimate tervitustega,


  2. Tere Toomas!

    Eesti keelt räägin küll, olen läbi ja lõhki eestlane ning see Belgia-kogemus oli esimene kord, kui väljaspool Tallinna elasin 🙂 Olen üsna põnevil, miks ja kuidas sa mu blogi otsa sattusid. Uurisin juba su blogi ka ning Belgia-postitused viisid mu mõttes sinna tagasi. Igatsen Brüsselit. Naudi seda hullumeelset ja võrratut linna, kuni veel seal oled!


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